Seasoning Sauce 味付け
Big Gohan desuyo (Seaweed Boiled in Soy sauce) ごはんですよ 390g$11.99
Dori-Spicy Chili Sauce MEDIUM *LOCAL MADE* どりラー油 中辛 225g$9.99
Dori-Spicy Chili Sauce MILD *LOCAL MADE* どりラー油 甘口 225g$9.99
Dori-Spicy Chili Sauce SPICY *LOCAL MADE* どりラー油 スパイシー 225g$9.99
Enoki Mushroom なめ茸 280g$8.99
Fujikko Shio Kombu Dried seasoned Kelp Konbu ふじっ子 塩こんぶ 30g$3.59
Gohan desuyo (Seaweed Boiled in Soy sauce) ごはんですよ 180g$5.99
Gohan desuyo Shiitake(Seaweed Boiled in Soy sauce) ごはんですよしいたけ 180g$6.29
Hikari Shio Koji Japanese Rice Malt 塩こうじ 580g$11.99
Hot Chili Sesame Oil かどやのごま らー油 45g$3.99
House Hot Chili Sesame Oil ラー油 31g$3.59
Isesou Miyako Koji みやこ こうじ 200g$7.49
Kimuchi with Enoki Mashroom キムチなめ茸 280g$8.99
Kuki Black sesame Paste 純ねりごま (黒) 120g$6.99
Kuki White sesame Paste 純ねりごま (白) 120g$6.99
Mishima Seasoning powder for Gomaae ごまあえの素 52g$3.59
Momoya Sukoshi Karai Ra-yu 桃屋の辛そうで辛くない少し辛いラー油 110g$7.99
$8.99SALE -
Roasted Garlicwith Enoki Mashroom in Soysauce にんにくなめ茸 280g$8.99
S&B Crunchy Garlic with Chili Oil おかずラー油 110g$6.69
$8.99SALE -
Sansai Enoki Mushroom 山菜茶漬け 280g$8.99
Shio Koji Japanese Rice Malt 塩こうじ 200g$4.69
Ume Enoki Mushroom 梅なめ茸 280g$8.99
VanKoji BBQ Koji LOCAL MADE バーベキュー麹 10oz$9.99
VanKoji Garlic Koji LOCAL MADE ガーリック麹 10oz$9.99
VanKoji Shio Koji LOCAL MADE しお麹 10oz$9.99
VanKoji Shoyu Koji LOCAL MADE 醤油麹 10oz$9.99
VanKoji Tamari Koji LOCAL MADE たまり麹 10oz$14.99
Fujikko Tororo Konbu とろろ昆布 11gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinjirushi Neri Ume Plum Paste 練梅 250gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinjirushi Neri Ume Plum Paste with Shiso 練梅しそ入 250gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!