Rice 米
Tamaki Haiga Rice 田牧米 胚芽 2kg - 4lb$19.99
Tamanishiki Brown Rice 玉錦 玄米 2.0 kg - 4.4Lb$14.99
Tamanishiki Rice 玉錦 6.8 kg - 15Lb$44.99
Botan Rice ぼたん 4kgOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Haenuki From Yamagata JAPAN はえぬき 5kg - 11lbOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinmemai From JAPAN 金芽米 2kgOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinmemai From Nagano JAPAN 金芽米 4.5kgOut of stock. We are expecting more soon! SALE
NISHIKI Brown Rice 錦 玄米6.8kg - 15lbOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
NISHIKI White rice 錦 白米 907g - 2lbOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Tamanishiki Rice 玉錦 2.0 kg - 4.4LbOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Tanesho Collagen Sixteen Multi Grains Mix コラーゲン 入り十六穀米 25g×6packsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Tanesho Super Food 9 Multi Grains Mix スーパーフード9 20g×6packsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!