Rice crackers, Tsumami
Onigiri Rice Cracker おにぎりせんべい 108gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kaki no Tane Joy Pack 柿の種 ジョイパック 82gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Rice Cracker with Black Soy Bean "Mame Ichiban" 豆一番 108gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kuriyama Setono Shioage "Ebi" 瀬戸のしお 海老揚げせん 88gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Inaba Kaki no Tane & Peanuts 柿の種&ピーナッツ 6packOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Rice Cracker Potapotayaki ぽたぽた焼き 20pcsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Rice Cracker Norimaki 海苔巻きあられ 85gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Komekko Hotate scallop 39g コメッコホタテ味Out of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Bourbon Cheese Okaki チーズおかき 22枚 82gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kaki no Tane Umeshiso Joy Pack 柿の種 梅しそ ジョイパック 86gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Shrimp Mayonnaise Arare 海老マヨネーズあられ 32gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kameda Teshioya Shio Umamidashi 手塩屋 塩 うまみだし 9枚入Out of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Bonchi Bonchiage ぼんち揚げ 120gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kameda Kaki no Tane Joy Pack Wasabi 亀田 柿の種 ジョイパック わさび 86gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Mini Rice Cracker Kabukiage ぷち歌舞伎揚げ 6 pcsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Maccha Daifuku Kyoshin 抹茶大福 8個入り 300gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!