Sauce Mix
S&B Brown Stew とろけるブラウンシチュー 160gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Hachi Japanese Style Mushroom Pasta Sauce たっぷり和風きのこ 260gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Matsutake Kamameshi 松茸 かまめし 221gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Mishima Seasoning powder for Gomaae ごまあえの素 52gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Hot Chili Sesame Oil かどやのごま らー油 45gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Osekihan no moto お赤飯の素 200gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon! SALE
Fujikko Tororo Konbu とろろ昆布 11gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Tsukudani (Seaweed Boiled in Soy Sauce) with Sesame & Kelp 元気な佃煮 ごま昆布 90gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
S&B White Stew とろけるシチュー160g Japan VersionOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
S&B Golden Hayashi Rice Japan ver. ゴールデンハヤシライス 193gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
House Macaroni au Gratin Mix マカロニグラタン クィックアップ 4 portionsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Hachi Mushroom Cheese Pasta Sauce たっぷりきのこチーズクリーム 260gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
House Macaroni au Gratin Mix マカロニグラタン クィックアップ 2 portionsOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinjirushi Neri Ume Plum Paste 練梅 250gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Hosaki Takenoko Kamameshi 穂先筍ごはん かまめし 190gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kinjirushi Neri Ume Plum Paste with Shiso 練梅しそ入 250gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Sansai Enoki Mushroom 山菜茶漬け 280gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Roasted Garlic in Soy sauce スタミナにんにく醤油漬 280gOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!
Kewpie Mayonnaise マヨネーズOut of stock. We are expecting more soon!